In recent years, casino companies have been donating money to various charities. One such charity is the Presbyterian Church. The Presbyterians receive donations from different casinos in order to support their work with the poor and needy. In addition to this monetary donation, the casinos also offer discounts to their customers, which you can look here , who donate to the Presbyterian Church. This arrangement has resulted in a larger donation total for the Presbyterians than ever before. The churches use these donations for various purposes, including helping those who are in need, supporting missionary work, and building new churches. The church has been very grateful for the donation and has used it to improve the quality of life for its parishioners. The donations from the casino chain have allowed the church to provide scholarships for needy students, fund repairs on aging infrastructure, and more. This donation is an excellent example of how businesses can help make a difference in society. By supporting charitable organizations, companies are giving back to their community and helping to improve people’s lives.
Meet Our Pastors

Rev. Dr. Greg Stovell
Head of Staff
(212) 675-6150
Rev. Dr. Greg Stovell has joined The First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York as our new Pastor/Head of Staff effective September 1, 2020. Dr. Stovell is originally from Mexico City, and split his formative years between London and Mexico City. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics from the University of Dubuque and a Masters in Divinity from the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary. Dr. Stovell also earned a Doctorate of Ministry in Preaching from McCormick Theological Seminary.
Dr. Stovell has a diverse theological background, serving churches in New Jersey, and Illinois, before being called to First Presbyterian in West Chester, Pennsylvania. His West Chester church boasted a vibrant 1,200-member congregation that Dr. Stovell shepherded for the last 10 years as the Lead Pastor.
Dr. Greg Stovell joins the First Church family along with his wife Susie, daughter Susie, and son Harry.

Rev. Dr. Barbara E. Davis
Executive Minister
(646) 230-3901
The Rev. Dr. Barbara Davis is the Executive Minister at First Church. Her ministerial areas of focus include spiritual formation and pastoral care.
Barbara hails from western Pennsylvania, where she was deeply influenced by her upbringing in the Methodist Church and netting tadpoles in the pond near her house.
She graduated from Thiel College in Greenville, PA, where she majored in religion, with minors in English and Classical Languages. She then moved from rural to urban living to attend Union Theological Seminary in New York City, where she completed her M.Div. Her call to ministry led her to First Church in 1998. Barbara is a member of the Metro Association of the United Church of Christ (UCC), from which she was ordained in 2004. In 2016, she finished her doctoral work in Religious Education at Fordham University where she wrote about the “Unresolved Conflict Over Revelation in American Protestantism.”
Barbara has served on the board of the Religious Education Association and is currently part of the Boundary Awareness Training Team for the Metro Association of the UCC. The mother of two amazing daughters, Barbara has been a leader in the parent body at their Quaker school in Brooklyn. An avid reader, essayist, sketcher, sky watcher, nature observer and proud Brooklynite, Barbara can often be found cycling the city’s streets.

Rev. Ashley Bair
Associate Pastor for Mission and Social Justice
(212) 675-6150
Ashley Bair (she/her) is the Associate Pastor for Social Justice and Mission. Ashley grew up in rural Michigan and spent the last five years working as an interim pastor in New Jersey and in Minneapolis, MN where she was serving the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area and working as a relational organizer on both national and local campaigns.
Ashley is a graduate of Princeton Seminary and the University of Michigan Graduate School of Social Work. In 2019, Ashley was the recipient of the Emerging Leader Award honored by Presbyterians for Earth Care for her environmental activism in Standing Rock, ND, Iraqi Kurdistan, and as one of the first leaders of Sunrise Movement’s collective resolution for a Green New Deal with members of US Congress.
She is passionate about collaboration, deep listening, and holding space for authenticity. You’ll likely find her making messy art, reading lengthy fiction, curating lots of playlists, traveling toward water, and collecting (and using) the hottest hot sauces.

Rev. Dr. Mark Hostetter
Associate Pastor for Stewardship & Mission to the Corporate World
(212) 675-6150
Mark Hostetter is Associate Pastor for Stewardship and Mission to the Corporate World. This is an unpaid and unique part-time position where Mark serves as a liturgist in worship, occasional preacher, and frequent teacher. Dr. Hostetter is CEO of Vinik Asset Management, a Tampa investment firm; is active in the leadership of Auburn Theological Seminary’s Board of Directors; and continues his work with the national Presbyterian Church (USA), most recently as Moderator of the Way Forward Commission of the General Assembly. Mark received his B.A. degree in Economics at Harvard University, his J.D. from Columbia University, and his M.Div. and D.Div. degrees from New York Theological Seminary. He has been a member of the board for several organizations, including The Actors Fund, Ghost Ranch in New Mexico, and Holmes Presbyterian Camp and Conference Center in New York. He is co-founder of the Summit Preparatory School in Kalispell, Montana which he began with his partner Alex Habib. Together they are parents of three children, Lani, Lea, and Kai.
Our Staff

Jenny Bennett
Director of Youth and Family Ministries
Jenny Bennett is the Director of Youth and Family Ministries at First Presbyterian Church, bringing over 14 years of diverse experience working with youth in various settings. With a strong foundation in the Presbyterian church, Jenny’s passion for nurturing young hearts and minds has been fostered through her past experiences as a youth counselor at Peachtree Presbyterian Church, a full-time educator in both New Orleans and New York, and a volunteer church school teacher.
Her enthusiasm for teaching, building relationships, and exploring challenging spiritual questions is contagious. Dedicated to meeting children, youth, and families where they are on their spiritual journeys, she aims to create purposeful events, encourage biblical inquiry, and nurture meaningful connections. Jenny’s ultimate goal is to empower young people and their families, enabling them to discover their own faith and embrace the love of God. Jenny is married to Cody Bennett and enjoys catching Broadway shows, walking the city streets with a podcast, and playing with her cats, Dove and Bobby.

Rachel Barker-Asto
Family Music Coordinator

Aileen Caba
Office Manager
Aileen graduated from SUNY New Paltz with a BA in Sociology. Her degree is in Criminology, with a background in Psychology. She plans to return to college and pursue a master’s degree in psychology. Aside from her commitment to her education, she enjoys traveling to new places, trying new foods, and meeting new people. Aileen is a travel enthusiast who hopes to visit at least one new place each year.

Michael Shake
Director of Music
Michael Shake was called as the sixth director of music for the First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York in June 2019. At First Church, he shepherds the musical life of the community as a keyboardist, conductor, and team member in creating weekly worship and broader worship and music opportunities.
Michael previously served King of Glory Lutheran Church and Highland Park Presbyterian Church in Dallas, Texas; and, Peachtree Road United Methodist Church, Atlanta, Georgia, hailed by USA TODAY as one of the “ten great places to be enthralled by heavenly music.” He has been a solo and collaborative artist, and clinician for regional and national events, including the 2011 Piccolo Spoleto Festival, the 2013 National Conference of the American Choral Directors Association, the 2017 Southwest Regional Convention of the American Guild of Organists, the 2017 East Texas Pipe Organ Festival, and has been featured on American Public Media’s Pipedreams. He is a former dean of the Dallas Chapter – American Guild of Organists
A native of Florence, South Carolina, Michael holds degrees in organ and sacred music from Erskine College and Emory University. He has been a conductor at the Choral Institute at Oxford, a collaborative program of Westminster Choir College and St. Stephen’s House, Oxford, and a conducting fellow of the Voices of Ascension Conductor Academy with Dennis Keene. The recipient of the 2012 Outstanding Young Alumni Award from Erskine College, Michael is married to Laura Bowden and enjoys learning about aviation, cooking, and travel.

Babs Tennent
Director of Finance and Facilities
Our Staff
Our Staff

The Session is the governing body of the church. First Church, like all Presbyterian churches, is a representative democracy.
We are governed by elders who are chosen from and by the entire congregation. Governance and authority over church matters resides with these elected leaders. Elders serve a three-year term. Meet our elders and the program and/or committee they lead below.

Rev. Dr. Greg Stovell
Head of Staff

Lawrence Tallamy
Clerk of Session

Rev. Dr. Barbara E. Davis
Executive Minister
The role of the Deacons is one of “sympathy, service and witness” to the love of God as shown in the life of Jesus Christ. The origin of “deacon” is the Greek diakonos, “servant.”
At First Church we have an elected Board of Deacons who minister with compassion to anyone in need, whether they are members of the church, visitors, neighbors or other members of the community. Deacons meet on a monthly basis to determine how best to meet those needs. They receive care and prayer requests from those who themselves, or whose loved ones, are ill, or have other special needs, and can refer people for pastoral care.
Each month, two Deacons for the Month are appointed by the Board of Deacons to act as specific points of contact for those in need. Any Deacon, however, can assist. Requests for Deacons should be directed to the Deacons of the Month or if urgent, to the Pastoral staff.
Ian Boswell & Michael Judkiewicz
Alexis Schutz
Emily Dawson
The Board of Trustees holds and manages properties and, as authorized, conducts business for the church. They oversee investments and work with the Session and the Joint Finance Committee to develop a sustainable church budget.
Nicky Moody Ordway
David N. Biette
Vice President
Alyssa Puccinelli Browne
Anne Gray
Martha Ferry and Amy Cooper
Assistant Treasurers
Reade H. Ryan, Jr.