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Baptism at First Church

The sacrament of Baptism is a joyful celebration of the people of God.

Baptism Information

Please call our front desk to inquire about dates.

Our Presbyterian Book of Order tells us that “Baptism enacts and seals what the Word proclaims: God’s redeeming grace offered to all people.” The sacrament unites us with Jesus Christ and makes us members of God’s family in the Church. 

Infant and children’s baptisms are generally scheduled one Sunday a month during the worship service. (Adult baptisms are part of the service receiving new members into the congregation, typically quarterly. To learn about becoming a member of this growing congregation, click here.) 

For infant baptism, one guardian should be a member of the church. After completing a baptism application, at least one parent or guardian must meet with one of the pastors in preparation for baptism. 

If you are interested in having a child baptized, please complete the form, and coordinate with the church office a time to meet with one of the pastors.

For questions or more information please contact administrative assistant, Aileen Caba, at (646) 230-3914 or 

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