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Adult Learning

We grow in our faith by coming together. Now more than ever, as we are physically distanced, we offer many ways to connect and grow.

We value conversations about how the biblical narrative intersects with our own faith lives. Classes are facilitated by ministers and lay leaders. Please join us as we nurture and explore our spiritual lives.

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Bible Study

Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m.


Wednesday Bible Study takes place at least three Wednesdays a month at 12:30 p.m. In-Person & Virtual. Series typically last three weeks, but some are seasonal (Lent) and may extend from month to month. You do not have to be at every session to join. Learners of all experience with the Bible are welcome!

Bible Study is done in hybrid form – join us in person or virtually – zoom information can be found in our First Matters newsletter, please click here or email Sophia Yacca at to sign up.
Coffee and Theology

Sundays at 9:30 a.m.

Start your Sundays with us! Beginners, seekers, new members, experienced Bible students, are ALL welcome!

Please check the calendar to see which Sundays this series meets!

This series is done in hybrid form – join us in person or zoom information can be found in our First Matters newsletter, please click here or email Sophia Yacca at to sign up.

LGBTQ Bible Study

All are welcome for the start of this monthly Bible study – part of our LGBTQ Program and led by Jeff Nichols. All are welcome to this virtual series. For more information and the Zoom link, contact Ashley Bair at

Presbyterian Women Circle

Join Presbyterian Women (PW) for this year’s study entitled “Celebrating Sabbath.” Each month we look at how the concept of sabbath runs through both the Old and New Testaments, challenging us to think deeper about rest and peace, as well as justice and community.
We have two monthly PW circles. Participants are welcome to join at any point and move between the two at their convenience. For more information, please contact Lara Mullarkey ( or simply drop in.There is always room at the table (or on the ZOOM screen). 
Presbyterian Women – Sunday Circle – First Sundays of the month, 12:30-1:30 p.m. (IN PERSON) – FPCNYC library
Presbyterian Women – Tuesday Circle – First Tuesday of the month, 8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. (VIRTUAL) – ZOOM Meeting ID: 814 705 910
Qigong & Yoga

All Are Welcome to Qigong & Yoga at First, Mondays 5:30 – 6:15 p.m.

This meditative practice is a way to enrich your spiritual life through silent prayer. Your body is like a Tree, connected to the mystery of the earth with its roots, and to the heavens with its canopy. Sitting or standing, one quiets the mind, listens to the breath, and feels the blessing of the surrounding light. 

For details, contact Meg Harper: 917.588.0681/

Prism - College Ministries

We are proud to partner with PRiSM, a multi-denominational, progressive Christian ministry serving young adult college and graduate students in Greenwich Village. There are several programs that may be of interest to you or a college student you know.

College Student Pantry. This is a food pantry program for college and graduate students in NYC and is run by student volunteers. The pantry is for any student in need of food. No questions asked. It is located at Trinity’s SAFH in the East Village at 602 E. 9th Street (at the corner of Ave. B) and is open the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month from 3-5 p.m.

PRiSM Tuesday Night Dinners held in person from 6:15-7:30 p.m. 

Join students from schools around the Village on the lawn of First Church each Tuesday for a free meal, rich conversation, and prayer in community.  All students are welcome!

Young Adults

The Young Adult ministry of FPC includes fellowship opportunities for 20/30s to gather for conversation and community. These casual come-as-you are, drop in events are a great way to connect with other young adults in an often anonymous big city. If you would like to be on the mailing list for this program, contact and we will happily add you to our list.

Conversational Spanish

Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m.

Brush up on your Spanish skills while learning more about the culture and history of Spanish-speaking countries. This conversational class is open to all levels and is a great way to hone your skills while spending time with First Church friends. Led by member Daniel Duque who has taught Spanish at Cornell University and The Committee on U.S.-Latin American Relations. 

For more information about meeting times and how you can get involved contact Sophia Yacca at to sign up.

Upcoming Adult Learning​ Events