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We grow in our faith by coming together. Now more than ever, as we are physically distanced, we offer many ways to connect and grow.

We are so glad you found First Church and are delighted to have you connect with us. As a member of the Presbyterian Church (USA), we believe being together as a community is essential to grow in our faith and be a part of our larger church family. We want to be a place where everyone is able to breathe in— to deepen their personal faith and to care for themselves—and then respond by breathing out in service to the community and world. We encourage you to find one or more places to connect with us, whether through fellowship events, our various Bible studies, community groups, or other programs. Our hope is that you will find a place of nourishment, healing and hope.  

Our educational offerings center on sharing the questions and experiences of our faith journeys. By sharing our beliefs, questions and doubts, we learn how to strengthen our community bonds, and worship together in fullness and diversity. You’ll find a range of offerings for all ages.  

We also believe in having fun and gathering in more casual settings, such as through our fellowship events and community groups.  These offerings are a great way to stay connected around shared interests, particularly during this time of COVID-19 when we are physically distanced. 

For questions about how to get involved, please contact Sophia Yacca at

Children & Youth Learning

Adult Learning


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