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Worship with Us

Join Us for Worship

We invite you to join us for worship every Sunday at 11 a.m. in-person at 12 West 12th Street or online for our live streamed services which are available every Sunday at 11 a.m. on our social channels. Whether in-person or online, we look forward to worshiping with you!
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Weekly Worship

Sundays at 11:00 a.m. in-person and online


Worship is at the heart of our life together. As a community of faith, we gather every Sunday morning to engage with Scripture as it is read, sung, and proclaimed. We offer prayers, sing our praises to God, and prepare ourselves to be servants of Christ in the world beyond the church doors.

Our traditional Reformed Presbyterian liturgy speaks of “gathering, hearing the Word, responding to the Word, and sending.” At First Church, we offer a gracious and inclusive liturgy, meaningful and thought-provoking sermons that relate to issues and challenges in modern discipleship, and music that evokes wonder and praise. Our worship style might be called “lively traditional.”

When you worship with us, you will be welcomed into our architecturally beautiful sanctuary where a sense of the Holy is present through stunning music, excellent preaching and a diverse and engaged congregation. We celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper the first Sunday of every month and on significant liturgical days in the Church calendar. We offer infant and adult Baptism each month as well.

Recent Sermons

We are open for in-person and virtual worship

We are excited to now have worship both available in-person as well as online!  As a result of COVID-19, we have taken careful precautions to have safe in-person worship requiring all individuals in the building to wear a mask and practice social distancing. We hope you will join us whether in-person or online as we worship together!

As always, our staff are available by phone and email.

Children in Worship

FPC has outstanding ministries for children and youth. From infancy to adolescence, there is a way for everyone to connect. Children are always welcome in worship. During the service, a children’s prayer is offered, which typically includes various creative forms of prayer from call and response, call and repeat, children praying their own prayers, and contemplative prayers for children to pray along with. With in-person worship, children are offered “pew boxes” which include a children’s bulletin, coloring pages, supplies, games and Bibles. These pew boxes allow children to learn about all the elements of worship. 

Skilled professional childcare is also available for children under three years every Sunday morning year-round during the worship, and during in-person adult education programs.

Upcoming Worship Events

Sermon Archive

Our Sacred Spaces

Prayer Request

Music at First Church