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Get Involved at First Church

Our church community focuses on our life together as a congregation and the elements of discipleship and community that include events that draw us closer to one another and to God.

There are numerous ways you can connect and serve at First Church – building community through shared interests or opportunities for spiritual development and offering your time and talents. We want to know what you’re passionate about, what activities and programs you’d like to join that would be life-giving for you, and how you’d like to serve both the church and the world. We encourage you to get involved in the ongoing programs and events that are a part of our ministry and life together. We cannot wait to connect with you!

Current Connect Opportunities

Coffee and Theology

Start your Sundays with us early this winter! Bring your own coffee to this virtual study series that focuses on the broad trends in theology by looking at the voices of major liberation theologians and their influencers in the late-20th century. Each session will also connect these trends with a discussion of a scripture passage that exemplifies that theology. Beginners, seekers, new members, experienced Bible students, are ALL welcome!

  • 1/10 Rosemary Radford Reuther, Hannah Faye Allred
  • 1/17 Gustavo Gutiérrez, Barbara Davis
  • 1/24 Paulo Freire, Barbara Davis
  • 1/31 Ivone Gebara, Barbara Davis
Wednesday Mid-day Bible Study

Join us for our weekly Wednesday Bible Study as we study Scripture together.  Changing for each season, Bible Study allows for us to come together as a community and study various themes and books of the Bible throughout the entire year.

Presbyterian Women

Join PW as they continue this year’s study called “Into the Light: Finding Hope Through Prayers of Lament.” Both the Sunday and Wednesday circles are virtual and are participating in the same study, so please join the circle that works best with your schedul

LGBTQ Bible Study

This group meets on the first Thursdays of every month at 6:00 p.m. and is led by the Rev. Dr. Barbara Davis. Over the course of the fall, the discussions will explore the Gospel of John. All are welcome so please join us, anytime!

Seasonal Earth Care Prayer-writing Workshops

Are you having trouble putting your prayers into words? Have you ever wondered about different kinds of prayers that the pastors write each week? Would you like comfort and strength for your spirit during Advent? Join Barbara for this short virtual prayer writing time while you prepare to start your day.

Family Ministries

In Church School, children learn about the importance of caring for one another just as God cares about us. Children develop their own spirituality and learn about worship through writing prayers, lighting our worship candles, and educational activities.

Youth Group meets twice a month following worship on Sundays.  In addition to our regular Youth Group meetings which include Bible study, activities, and games, the youth also participate in special service and fellowship opportunities.

Worship for Families with Babies and Toddlers is a special time for babies, toddlers, and families to connect with one another in a service made specifically for them as we learn about each other, stories from the Bible, and enjoy community together.

PRiSM (College Ministry)

Join students from across the whole Vine network for a weekly Zoom gathering to check in and read Scripture in community.

Young Adults

The Young Adult ministry of FPC includes fellowship opportunities for 20/30s to gather for conversation and community. These casual come-as-you are, drop in events are a great way to connect with other young adults in an often anonymous big city.

Community Groups

These groups are meant to be a way for us to stay connected virtually during this time. All we ask is that you come with an open heart as we connect and have fellowship with one another.

Fellowship Activities

LGBTQ Fellowship Activities
AIDS Walk Team (May)
Monthly Brunch
Pride Cocktail Party
Christmas Party

Current Serve and Volunteer Opportunities

Outreach & Service Action Groups

These groups are the people power supporting our Peace & Justice programs and typically meet once per month to plan service and fellowship activities, work on community partnerships, and discuss opportunities for advocacy and education. 

  • Art at First Action Group
  • Cuba Action Group
  • Earth Care Action Group
  • LGBTQ Action Group
  • Social Justice Advocacy Action Group
  • Refugees & Immigration Action Group
  • Facing Racism Action Group
Volunteer with Partner Organizations

Volunteer with our Partner Organizations:

  • George Jackson Academy
  • Church of Gethsemane
  • Harlem Grown
  • Hetrick-Martin Institute
  • Just ReEntry Coalition
  • New Sanctuary Coalition
  • Refugee Welcome Team (First Church and Church World Service)
  • RIF Asylum Support
  • St. Joe’s Soup Kitchen
Worship (Usher, Lay Reader, Cross Bearer)

Ushers are a welcoming presence at Sunday morning worship and during special services, whether in the sanctuary, or on our online channels during COVID-19. 

Cross bearers lead the processional on a Communion Sunday or at special worship services throughout the year. We welcome youth participation! 

Scripture readers read the prayer of illumination and first lesson. All ages are invited to serve.


Hosting coffee fellowship after worship is a fun and easy way to deepen your discipleship through the ministry of hospitality. During Covid-19 you can be a host for our online coffee fellowship in which we join together as an online community. 

Family Ministries

Our church school teachers and youth group leaders help shape the lives and faith of the young people of our congregation. We’d love to tell you more about how to get involved.

The First Church Adult Choir is a strong and integral part of the spiritual life at First Church. Under the direction of Michael Shake, our Director of Music, the excellent choral ensemble is comprised of both professional and volunteer singers. The weekly commitment and spiritual devotion of each member to singing God’s praises are the foundation of this ensemble.
Caring & Visitation

A group of Deacon and volunteers visit those who are sick, hospitalized, going through a difficult time in their lives, and/ or homebound. This aspect of the Caring Ministry involves prayer, listening, and empathy. Visitors work together in pairs.

Christmas Fair & Yard Sale

The fall Yard Sale and the winter Christmas Fair are events for opening our doors to welcome our neighbors while fostering connections both within our church and our community.

Kitchen Work Group

You don’t need to be a chef or even a foodie to join the Kitchen Work Group. We enjoy a wide range of activities from cooking, food shopping, baking, event and floral design, not to mention lots of ‘sampling’ and fellowship! Come join the fun!

Volunteer Sign Up Form

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