The First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York City is seeking an Associate Pastor for Social Justice and Mission.
Associate Pastor Search
The First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York City is seeking an Associate Pastor for Social Justice and Mission. We are looking for an experienced leader and energetic motivator with a heart for mission, to galvanize our congregation by broadening and deepening the involvement of members in opportunities to serve. With our Associate Pastor, First Church will continue to serve in partnership with other aligned mission-driven organizations in NYC and elsewhere, creating more opportunities for new and existing members to get connected.
We welcome applicants with 2+ years of experience. If you have anyone in mind who could be a great candidate, please consider referring them to us by emailing [email protected].
For information about our search, visit the links below:
You can find our Ministry Information Form here.
Here is our 2022 Mission Study Report linked here.
You can read our Old First and Slavery Report here.
For more information about our Presbytery click here.
Associate Pastor Nominating Committee Members

Katherine Hope Adams
Katherine Hope Adams became a member in September 2021. She has been a teacher here at p226 for the past ten years and is interested in becoming more involved in Church life.

John Cody Bennett
John Cody Bennett became a member in October of 2019. He has taken part in a number of programs at First Church. He is a consistent attendee at the Coffee and Theology classes and has also participated in the Young Adults Program and the Current Events group. He has volunteered for the Tartan Fair and read scripture during service. He has also helped with ushering, the coffee hour, and other programs.

James Howard Boswell
James Howard Boswell is an NYC based actor and singer and became an official member of First Church in February 2022. He’s a part of the LGBTQIA+ community and was the top fundraiser for FPCNYC’s team at the AIDS Walk this year.

Eileen Choi
Eileen Choi became a member in October of 2007. Since joining the church she has served as an usher, church school teacher, homeless shelter volunteer, and is currently a deacon and chair of the Refugees and Immigration Action Group.

Sally Collins
Sally has been an active part of First Church since 2000, having served as elder, chair of worship, member of staff search committees, mission and outreach, Tartan Fair volunteer, usher, and now as coordinator of our social justice action groups. Her professional background is in university administration, faith-based organizations and organizational development.

Iberedem Nsikak Ekure
Iberedem Nsikak Ekure became a member in March 2012. He has served as an Elder, on the Teaching and Learning Ministry, volunteered as a Sunday school teacher for children and adults and occasionally ushered.

John M. Griem, Jr.
Jack Griem has been a member since 1998, serving as an Elder and Trustee and on various First Church Task Forces and committees. He is active with Presbytery judicial matters and as a member of a Presbytery Administrative Commission. He attended the 2016 PCUSA General Assembly as a Presbytery representative.

David B. Richardson
David B. Richardson became a member in March of 1985. David has served as an Elder and twice as a Deacon, was a member of the Nominating, Worship, Stewardship, Joint Finance, Mission Review and Search Committees and has volunteered as a cross-bearer, an usher and at the coffee hour. His current interests include LGBTQ issues, the Worship Committee, Adult Education and the Grants Program.

Lauren McGill
Lauren McGill became a member in 2001. She serves as an Elder and liaison to St. Joe’s Soup Kitchen. She has previously served on Church and Society, Nominating, Mission Review and Kitchen Committees, as an usher and Tartan Fair volunteer.