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Save Her a Seat

Save Her a Seat (SHAS) is a beginners meeting, with the focus on people who identify as women with less than 5 years of sobriety. We are trans friendly. Each Friday is a different meeting format: 1st Friday: Speaker 2nd Friday: Step 3rd Friday: Speaker Last Friday: Anniversary (With months with 5 Fridays, the 4th… Read More »Save Her a Seat


A brief reception will follow the memorial service. Please call the front desk for more information (212-675-6150).



Worship is at the heart of our life together. As a community of faith, we gather every Sunday morning to engage with Scripture as it is read, sung, and proclaimed. We offer prayers, sing our praises to God, and prepare ourselves to be servants of Christ in the world beyond the church doors. Our traditional… Read More »Worship


Church School

Church School: Ages 3 - 6th grade  Music, worship, and fellowship for ages 3 - 6th grade The mission of Children’s Church School is to educate a generation of young people about the love of God expressed in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Using the PC(USA) curriculum Growing in Grace & Gratitude, children… Read More »Church School