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Grief Group

How do we cope when life seems to be unraveling? How do we live in a world that feels like it's falling apart? Our Grief Support Group meets once a month at 5 p.m. to explore these topics and anchor ourselves in the question: What Happens When We Live? This time is designed as a… Read More »Grief Group

Introduction of New Members

Join us as we virtually welcome our new members into the life of the congregation!  Interested in getting involved or in becoming a member?  Contact Audrey Webber at [email protected] to learn how to get involved!


Thursday Morning Prayer Writing


Thursdays on zoom at 8:30 a.m. (20 minutes), February 18 through April 1 Start your mornings in Lent with these energizing weekly prayer writing sessions. This group in intended to be a quiet time to start your day with God. Lenten prayers and writing prompts will be shared for each session, the goal being that… Read More »Thursday Morning Prayer Writing