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Save Her a Seat

Save Her a Seat (SHAS) is a beginners meeting, with the focus on people who identify as women with less than 5 years of sobriety. We are trans friendly. Each Friday is a different meeting format: 1st Friday: Speaker 2nd Friday: Step 3rd Friday: Speaker Last Friday: Anniversary (With months with 5 Fridays, the 4th… Read More »Save Her a Seat


Save Her a Seat

Save Her a Seat (SHAS) is a beginners meeting, with the focus on people who identify as women with less than 5 years of sobriety. We are trans friendly. Each Friday is a different meeting format: 1st Friday: Speaker 2nd Friday: Step 3rd Friday: Speaker Last Friday: Anniversary (With months with 5 Fridays, the 4th… Read More »Save Her a Seat