Church Safety Training Day
September 28th and September 30th Being prepared is one of the most important steps we can take in making our churches safe and hospitable places for everyone. The Presbytery of New York City has invited Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to lead a training on church safety that will cover situations of an active shooter, fire, and other disasters. Although the likelihood of any of these situations is low, it is important that we know how to prevent these situations when we can and take care of one another if something does happen. To accommodate as many presbytery clergy and church members as possible, this training will be offered two times at different locations: Thursday, September 28th at Lafayatte Avenue Presbyterian Church (85 S. Oxford St., Brooklyn) Saturday, September 30th at First Presbyterian Church of NYC (12 W. 12th St., Manhattan) Trainings will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at 4:00 p.m. Each training is limited to 60 people. Registration deadline: September 8th, 2023. Please stay tuned for additional trainings about advocacy and gun violence prevention that go beyond church safety. Following God’s call to be peacemakers in the world includes preventing violence in our churches and in the wider world. This church safety training is an important part of a holistic approach to reducing gun violence. INCLUDED IN THE TRAINING:- Look at data on actual risk of armed intruders at faith-based institutions.
- Increased risk to churches from hate groups opposed to social justice ministries.
- Security role of ushers and greeters.
- ALICE Training Institute strategies and drill for surviving violent intruder situations.
- Preventing mass shootings with teat assessments and mental health counseling.
- Basics of “Stop the Bleed” first aid training.
- Creating a Preparedness/Security Committee and developing a plan for your church.