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Home » Sermon: “Anybody Have a Map?”

Sermon: “Anybody Have a Map?”

Welcome to worship! 

You can find the bulletin for this service here: 

And you can find the hymns for this service here: 

The Children’s bulletin for those 3+: 

The Children’s bulletin for those 7+: 


On March 24th, 2021, the Session of The First Presbyterian Church embraced using the 2021 draw from the Thoren Fund in conjunction with the post-pandemic theme of “Coming Home by Reaching Out.” The aim of Session was to encourage giving more than just money, but giving in such a way that resonated broadly with the congregation for engagement and relationship building with organizations in our immediate community around New York City. The Outreach and Service Council received a vetted pool of eleven applications, and prayerfully narrowed that list to six to put forward for a congregational vote to receive Thoren Mission Funds for the 2021 year. 

Those organizations are as follows: 

George Jackson Academy 

Church of Gethsemane 

Brooklyn Community Bail Fund 

PS 226 

Presbyterian Senior Services (PSS) 

Hetrick Martin Institute (HMI) 

You are invited to vote for two of these six organizations to be a Thoren Mission Funds recipient. Voting will take place via iPad in the lobby after worship on October 17th and 24th. Paper ballots will be available upon request. 

The final two grant recipients will be announced on October 31st. 


For more information on The First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York, check out our website or email us at! 

To join our mailing list First Matters and receive information on all of our Zoom meetings follow the link here: 

Or email Audrey Webber to be added! 

There are many ways to give! or send a check to the church at 12 West 12th St! Peace and Global Witness Special Offering: 

Thank you for worshiping with us!