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Ash Wednesday

The First Presbyterian Church 12 West 12th Street, New York, NY

Imposition of ashes and Holy Communion 12:00 pm (in-person only) and 7:00 p.m. (online streaming and in-person) Sanctuary

Midweek Music Meditation and Worship

The First Presbyterian Church 12 West 12th Street, New York, NY

Music Meditation with guest and resident musicians - 11:45 a.m. -12 p.m. Worship - 12-12:30 p.m.


Scale Art Show

Please join us for the Scale Art Show. Explore our gallery and enjoy the wonderful and inspirational pieces that we have to offer.


Scale Art Show

Please join us on Thursdays and Fridays for the Scale Art Show. Explore our gallery and enjoy the wonderful and inspirational pieces that we have to offer.