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Youth Group

The First Presbyterian Church 12 West 12th Street, New York, NY

Our Youth Group strives to prepare our young people for a life filled with love, justice, and acceptance. Youth meet regularly – typically twice a month following worship on Sundays.  In addition to our regular Youth Group meetings which include Bible study, activities, and games, the youth also participate in special service and fellowship opportunities. … Read More »Youth Group

Holiday Cards for Mohamed Due!

Our Refugees & Immigration Action Group is asking the congregation to join in writing holiday cards for Mohamed Ozeir, the asylee with whom we have been working throughout the pandemic. Keep in mind, Mohamed is Muslim so winter rather than Christmas themes are preferred. Cards should be sent to FPC c/o Nicole Stansifer by Christmas and will… Read More »Holiday Cards for Mohamed Due!

Christmas Eve Service

YouTube Live Stream

Join us for our online Christmas Eve service on December 24th at 5:00 p.m.!  We are excited to celebrate this sacred day together as a community.  Join us on YouTube, Facebook, or BoxCast to watch the service.


Conversational Spanish

Brush up on your Spanish skills while learning more about the culture and history of Spanish-speaking countries. This conversational class is open to all levels and is a great way to hone your skills while spending time with First Church friends. Led by member Daniel Duque who has taught Spanish at Cornell University and The… Read More »Conversational Spanish

Grief Group

How do we cope when life seems to be unraveling? How do we live in a world that feels like it's falling apart? Our Grief Support Group meets once a month at 5 p.m. to explore these topics and anchor ourselves in the question: What Happens When We Live? This time is designed as a… Read More »Grief Group

Introduction of New Members

Join us as we virtually welcome our new members into the life of the congregation!  Interested in getting involved or in becoming a member?  Contact Audrey Webber at [email protected] to learn how to get involved!