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Scale Art Show II Opening


Join us for our virtual show opening Wednesday, January 12th at 3-4 p.m. from the Great Hall Gallery.  For more information email [email protected]. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 827 7107 3002 Passcode: 005474


Thursday Morning Prayer Writing


Thursdays on zoom at 8:30 a.m. (20 minutes), February 18 through April 1 Start your mornings in Lent with these energizing weekly prayer writing sessions. This group in intended to be a quiet time to start your day with God. Lenten prayers and writing prompts will be shared for each session, the goal being that… Read More »Thursday Morning Prayer Writing


Choir Rehearsal


The First Church Adult Choir is a strong and integral part of the spiritual life at First Church. Under the direction of Michael Shake, our Director of Music, the excellent choral ensemble is comprised of both professional and volunteer singers. The weekly commitment and spiritual devotion of each member to singing God’s praises are the… Read More »Choir Rehearsal


Coffee Fellowship


Join us for virtual coffee fellowship every Sunday directly following the worship service!  Join us as we meet one another, say hello to some new faces, and gather for a time of fellowship as we learn more about each other and how our week has been! For the Zoom link, visit our First Matters Weekly… Read More »Coffee Fellowship


Church School


The mission of Children’s Church School is to educate a generation of young people about the love of God expressed in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Children learn about the importance of caring for one another just as God cares about us. Children develop their own spirituality and learn about worship through writing… Read More »Church School